Lake Tahoe is Searching for Custom Home Builders

This blog provides a personal perspective on the topic of custom home builders in Lake Tahoe. People in Lake Tahoe can’t stop asking the same question:  Why are New Homeowners so Inclined to invest in the Custom Homes?  They also are asking:  Who is the best Custom Home Builder in Lake Tahoe?


Answers:  Custom Homes are unbeatable in terms of making a house a home.  And, the best in town come from Howe Built, Inc. If you’re looking for something a little more practical, we’ve got more answers:


People LOVE reduced energy bills.  When they have an old home, they know the windows let in a draft.  The furnace is anything but “green” or “eco-friendly.”  Even the refrigerator is making the electric bill skyrocket.  Custom homes eliminate that.  Finally, a lower electric bill.


More space:  Do you have a lot of stuff?  These days, we all do.  We need bigger homes to keep our stuff looking organized.  If your closet has too much stuff in it, buy a bigger house!  Better yet, buy a custom – one that can contain your massive shoe collection.


Your house, your floorplan:  Maybe you hate open concept kitchens.  Maybe you haven’t met an open concept that was expansive enough for you.  Either way, when you build a custom home, you decide where the bathroom goes and how much space to allocate to a home office, home gym, man cave, studio, or whatever else you’ve always wanted.  That’s the beauty of hiring a custom home builder in Lake Tahoe.

Consider These Factors When Selecting General Contractor

This blog provides a personal perspective about general contractors in Incline Village and remodeling contractors who work in Lake Tahoe. When you want to have a custom home, there’s a lot of work that goes into the project.  You have to secure the financing.  You have to make sure you like the location.  You have to, you must, and you are required to… hire a general contractor!  Yikes!


If the very mention of hiring a general contractor in Incline Village makes you tremor with fear, then you need to take a deep breath.  Around the world, people are making custom homes.  You are just as smart and talented as they are, if not more so.  You can do this! Finding the right contractor isn’t always easy.  You can find one, though, if you consider these tips.


Look on the Internet for remodeling contractors in Lake Tahoe. When you see some names that sound professional, click on the website link.  Take a moment to review the portfolio.  A picture of past projects presents you with the information you need to make the right selection.  If you don’t like the outcomes, don’t hire the company.  It’s as easy as that!


Nobody wants problems in life.  To avoid having problems with your custom build, you need to look into qualifications and credentials.  There are plenty of people out there who SAY they can do the work, but they don’t have insurance or a license or funding or a network of contacts or permits from city hall.  That isn’t what you want.  You get what you pay for! To reduce risk, verify the company you intend to hire is who it says it is. 


Lastly, make sure the contractor is likeable.  Rude people make jobs very difficult.  Late people make projects frustrating.  Liars make projects impossible.  In other words, you need someone kind, punctual, and honest. We know a company that fits the bill:  Click the link to learn more!